Is simple…
If you’ve been a physical therapy patient before or have talked to anyone who has, you may realize there are a multitude of treatment styles within the field. While I am endlessly fascinated by the complexity of the human body, my approach in treating patients remains fairly simple because I believe treatments do not have to be overly complex or complicated to work. I am committed to staying up-to-date on the best, evidence supported treatments, and what research shows again and again is that the human body is highly adaptable and has an amazing ability to heal and make positive changes when provided with the right input.
My job as your PT is to determine the appropriate stimulus to facilitate the healing and adapting your body is already naturally programmed to do. For a runner who is beginning to notice an aggravating knee pain on longer runs, that might look like building strength and endurance of leg muscles to reduce stress on the knee joint. For someone who works at a desk through the week and then feels nagging hip or lower back pain when trying to squeeze in a bike ride or long walk after work, flexibility work to counteract the stiffness that sets in through the day may be necessary. Whether we work on power production, improved movement quality, or general strengthening I’ll find the right exercises and techniques to address your needs and maximize your physical function.

I Believe:
- Physical Therapists are the best healthcare provider to treat musculoskeletal and orthopedic conditions, especially for athletes. We have a comprehensive working knowledge of anatomy and physiology, including tissue healing processes. We can maximize recovery and function while minimizing recovery time
- An injury can feel like the end of the world, especially if you’re working toward a goal. Injuries are frustrating, confusing, and can feel consuming. It can be so hard to imagine running, playing, and living daily life normally again when you’re in pain and not functioning your best. Working with a good physical therapist to help you navigate an injury and the recovery process can significantly improve your outlook and outcomes
- No one is inherently broken or damaged
- Most injuries don’t have to completely sideline you. Too often runners are told to “just stop running” and that usually isn’t the most helpful advice.
- Movement is medicine
- You know your body and history best, and I will always make listening to you a priority